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Welcome to Chevalia

“Carry them without taking possession of them.

Care for them without subduing them.

Raise them without steering them.

That is the greatest virtue.”

- Lao Tse

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What is Chevalia?

We are dedicated to helping you develop a deeper relationship with your animals through the Taoist philosophy of understanding the Art of Flow or living in harmony with Nature, so that you can develop a heart coherence relationship by tapping into the primordial power or Source within and without. The Taoist philosophy regards the heart the way the western civilization regards the mind. Humanity is recognizing now more and more that it is in harmonizing with Nature and Her children, the animals, that there is a “better way”. This “way” is accessible but we must “unlearn” the broken way of force or dominance and dance into the Art of Flow, or attuning to the animal and learn their way which is the Way of the Tao or the Way of Nature. We will show you how the philosophy of Flow opens windows to a place where Force can never achieve. Through our programs you will witness experience for yourself a deep connection to your animals, their amazing sentience and intelligence, and how deeply interconnected we truly are.  This way is best captured by understanding and implementing the way of the Tao. We invite you to dive in to learn about our online classes, mentorship programs and more.

Centaur Training


Experiential Summer Programs for Children, Family

Experiential Corporate Programs 

Online Animal Sentience Course

Centaur Training Online Course

Meet the Guide and Caretakers of Chevalia

Our team consists of passionate individuals dedicated to fostering a deep connection with nature and animal consciousness. Each mentor brings a lifetime of knowledge and unique perspective.


Giselle Loveland


Alexandra Loveland

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Isabella Loveland

All programs and information are overseen and approved by Chevalia's resident Feline Ceo's




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Explore Our Educational Programs

Discover our diverse range of educational programs designed to promote animal sentience. Our interactive and engaging courses are tailored for learners of all ages and backgrounds.

Choose the Learning Path That Resonates With You

Immerse yourself in the world of animal sentience with our comprehensive educational programs. Start your exploration with a complimentary 7-day trial and embrace the path of knowledge and compassion.

Annual Membership

Best Value

Monthly Membership

Flexible Membership

Embark on a Journey

Experience the Essence of Animal Sentience

Connection with Wildlife

Duration 20:00

Immerse yourself in this captivating video that unveils the profound connection between humans and wildlife, offering a glimpse into the intricate world of animal sentience.

Loving Kindness
Play Video

Impact of Understanding Animal Sentience

Heightens Empathy and Understanding

Exploring animal sentience fosters empathy and deepens understanding, enriching your interactions with animals and the natural world.

Nurtures Respect and Compassion

Acknowledging animal sentience nurtures respect, compassion, and ethical consideration for all sentient beings, fostering harmonious coexistence.

Fosters Environmental Consciousness

Engaging with animal sentience nurtures environmental consciousness, inspiring responsible and mindful actions towards the preservation of nature.

Cultivates a Holistic Connection

Embracing animal sentience cultivates a holistic connection with nature, fostering a profound sense of interconnectedness and belonging.

“Carry them without taking possession of them, Care for them without subduing them, Raise them without steering them, that is the greatest virtue.” - Lao Tse

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